Friday, July 21, 2006
Yo... this week there will be sharing at sbm at 330pm. We are going to talk abt Yours houses. There will be presentations from each houses to talk abt their house name :D Ananda is and will be the BEST!!! :D
Simplicity overrode @ 12:03 AM
Friday, July 14, 2006
There will be a Buddhist Youth Leadership Workshop on this Sun at Pks at 3pm. There will also be a Sharing Session on Sunday at 10am at sbm.. :D Details of the workshop r below :DBuddhist Youth Leadership WorkshopWhat Is It In For You As A Buddhist (Youth Leader)?
Facilitated by Venerable Zhi Xing
What is it in for you as a Buddhist (Youth Leader)? How should we approach Dhamma work? How can we go about our work with a clear, joyful heart, instead of stress and frustration? How do we balance and integrate our work with our cultivation? You are warmly invited to an interactive session specially for Buddhist youths involved in Dhamma work. Find out how we can be more effective Buddhist youth leaders. This is also a good opportunity to network and share your experiences with fellow Buddhist youth leaders.
3.00pm – 5.30pm Puja & Meditation, Workshop, Q & A
5.30pm – 7.00pm Vegetarian Dinner and Networking
Sat, 15th July 2006
Level 1, Ven Hong Choon Memorial Hall, Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery
RSVP: register with by Wed 12 July
Enquiries 6849 5345
About the Facilitator
Venerable Zhi Xing was born in Singapore and graduated from NTU Computer Engineering in 1997. In NTU, he was active in the hostels and participated in NTU Buddhist Society. After graduation, he continued to be active in Buddhist youth work such as assisting in the Buddhist Youth Leadership Training Course (BYLTC). In 2002, after attending a meditation retreat in Fa Yun Monastery, Venerable Zhi Xing decided to renounce. He stayed and studied Mahayana Buddhism in Fa Yun Monastery at New Mexico, United States for more than 3 years and received the higher ordination becoming a fully ordained monk (Bhikkhu) in 2003. He is currently residing in Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery.
Organized by kmsYM
Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery’s Youth Ministry provides effective ways for young adults to get in touch with Buddhism and build fellowship. :: :: 6849 5346
Simplicity overrode @ 12:45 AM
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Marble's here to speak some stuff.She has indeed learnt a lot from being a leader in her cca. It's the best experience she'd ever had. I've been down for the past two weeks and i realised the reason why. It was simply because i angst--far too much. No doubt it is a norm for teenagers like us to angst and neither is it something wrong, but i realised that angsting far too much is very bad and nothing comes out of it, you just waste your time, make your day bad and waste your life away. When angst creeps upon me, i simply lose my cool--totally. I lose my cool, i hate life, and i vent my frustrations and anger on people around me. My life would seem to be so so so dark, as if everything is collapsing. But later i realised that i was simply making life miserable for myself. Why angst so much? It's totally no use. Why not use the time i used for angsting, to do something more positive and productive, like carrying out the orders which can bring the club up? I've learnt, through the experience with my committee members for the past two weeks that encouragement is something very very important. When someone encourages me, i feel very motivated. Light just appears in front of me and the drive simply surfaces within me. Therefore i learnt that i should, too, encourage others, show my support for them. This would definitely help them, like how they helped me. Something definitely cannot be carried out successfully if the communication system within our own committee system is a failure. Yes, all the committee members MUST know everything that is going on, so that should anything happen, the support of the committee would always be there. After reflecting, i realised that the main reason for the failure of the secondary four farewell party was due to the lack of communication within the commitee itself. don't try to be a superhero and handle everything yourself. get your committee members. believe that they will be there to support you and serve the club. trust is very very important. Trust them, but do not neglect your duties to affirm that everything is in place. Similarly, gaining the trust of your members for you is equally important as well. You need to let them trust you, if possible, take the initiative to talk to them more, create a bond among all of you and you will naturally gain the mutual truat and understanding. Letting them know what is going on is also something very vital to the group. You need to let them know they can rely on you and they you will let them know everything that is going on, let them know they are vital to the club, the group, and they will contribute. Oh, and CALL, don't sms. smsing always cause loads of problems and miscommunications. XD Clearing our doubts with the teachers/leaders is definitely something that a lot of people lack. we always nod our head through and we end up being blur like a sotong, we act like we know but in actual fact do not know a single bit of what we are supposed to do and very easily, screw the entire thing up. and the root of the failure would be one hopelessly stupid reason--You were lazy to make an extra phone call to clarify your doubts. I realised that we should seek help from our seniors and experienced people if we have to. Ask them about how to approach a situation, or how to do about planning something. Their advice would help, a lot a lot. Let go of your ego and seek advice! Yes, do not handle everything yourself, but do not only pass down duties to others. We have to do something to prove that we are worthy of leading them. Only would they be willing to support you and serve you. Never do lip service either. Do it. Actions speak louder than words. Don't be lazy. Plan it, carry it out, if it fails, learn from it and apply what we've learnt onto other aspects of our life, or into the other activities that we further plan. Believe in yourself, as well as other. This is the most important thing to me, as a leader. Believe. You can do it. Alright. I talked enough. but i'm extremely glad i learnt so much from the past two weeks. i must thank miss koh for the guidance too. =] Marble--Prepared to Soar.
Simplicity overrode @ 8:34 PM
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Official Announcements - Appointments for House Leaders. Hi guys, as of today, the following information shall be observed by all of House of Ananda.
The current structure for House of Ananda includes:
Leaders - Yeo Weijie, Bertina Bay, Mabel Ong, Kok Meiyi(newly appointed).
Assistant Leaders - Khoo Chee Kwan
Leaders on Standby - Huang Yongting, Kwek Coli, Fiona Liau.Now now, let me explain Meiyi's appointment. For the past six months, she has shown exemplary performances in terms of leadership, attendance (98%) as well as the thinking mind. So thus, even though she has O level commitments like
Fiona and Coli, who are already Anandian Leaders, she will be put up to the task of handling a dual appointment.Yongting who is currently OIC of her guide's unit, have asked for permission to leave the leadership position for period - Aug 2006. The request has been approved by the exec comm of SBM as well as Capt of Ananda house, Alvin.
Secondary AppointmentsSecretary: Bertina Bay Jun Xuan
Treasurer: Kok Meiyi
Creative Master: Mabel Ong Peiyu
Welfare Team: Shihui (I/C), Khoo Chee Kwan (2nd I/C)
Attendance: Mabel Ong Peiyu
Events (Outings, Dharma Talks, Vesak Programs): Ivan Ho Thiam Joo(I/C)
Ivan will, for the first time be tried out in a role that is of great importance to the groups as he will be the one to schedule and plan all Anandian activities.
Chee Kwan will also be given the role of Welfare team 2IC to try out different roles in the house.
However, there are a few reminders from me to you guys -
- All Anandian Leaders must observe Academic Excellence, meaning assurance of good passes in academic scholastic subjects as well as attaining a decent score.
- Anandian Leaders must also observe self-discipline, as you guys are the examples for all our members to follow. PLEASE REM THIS POINT.
- Anandian Leaders must uphold and upkeep admin systems set by the house in order to keep all members up-to-date.
For appointment holders, these are the various position requirements. Should you have any queries on the appointments, please do contact VC Zhenglin or me. :)
Here are the details:
- Upkeeps meeting minutes as per house meeting
- Filing, updating of particulars (members) as well as maintaining member database
- Inform leaders/members of relevant house meetings/sharing sessions/outings/dhamma talks.
- ensure monthly housekeeping payments ($2/member per month)
- controls house cash flow (birthdays, outings, etc)
- ensure house budget is kept positive ($150 as base)
creative master
- maintains house web blogs
- creates new anandian trademarks
welfare team
- monitors members’ birthdays
- should member be unable to come to sharings/gatherings due to unknown causes, to contact member with immediate effect to understand situation
- collates attendances (weekly, as well as outings)
- maintains attendance database (liaise with sec)
- alerts capt/vice-capt on attendance irregularities by all possible communications
events team
:) Do call me if u have any queries. U can contact me via MSN too!!!! :)
Capt Ananda
Simplicity overrode @ 10:16 PM